August 31, 2023


You’ve got a lot going on, and fitting in extra classes that last for weeks at a time is not on the list. We get it, and that’s why all of our classes are done in a single day, so you can get back to all the other things on your plate. All classes are offered as virtual, private classes, via video conferencing. This unique, private childbirth education class, is customized to each individual family unit. You’ll still get all the same great handouts, and one-on-one question-and-answer time but without the interruptions and drive time of an in-person class! Private classes can be scheduled based on availability, with options for 6 days per week. 

Colorado Birth Experience

Colorado Birth Experience

The Colorado Birth Experience is a judgment-free, unbiased exploration of each family’s hopes, wishes and plans for their best birth experience. During this 6 hour virtual course, in the comfort of your own home, we will explore:

  • Partner Communication
    • How do you feel about becoming parents? When will communication be most important? Why are you choosing these specific birth options?
  • The Birth Bag
    • Mental, emotional, and physical tools you don’t want to forget to pack.
  • Pregnancy
    • Let’s talk about nutrition, weight gain, heartburn; anything you want to know about.
  • Labor
    • We’ll discuss the baby’s position, how it relates to the labor process at each stage, and what to expect.
  • Relief and Comfort Measures
    • How would you like to birth? When will you know what comfort measures to use? Why do some things work for you and why others don’t? What do you need to bring with you to have your best birth experience?
  • Interventions
    • Which interventions are right or wrong for you?
  • The Welcoming Hour
    • What should you expect in the first hour after birth? Newborn procedures, newborn feeding, and basic newborn care.

6 Hour Virtual Course
With a CMD Educator

Postpartum Preparation

4th Trimester 411

Much is made of pregnancy and childbirth education, but the postpartum period is not always as talked about. Come to this three-hour class and learn what to expect after birth in the hospital, and at home, from your body, and from your baby. Learn basic newborn care and how to make the most of your recovery period. Don’t miss out on this chance to get all your questions answered by a knowledgeable postpartum doula–and enter your “fourth trimester” feeling educated and empowered. Private, virtual includes:

  • Self Care 
  • Recovery 
  • Newborn basics 
  • Infant Feeding 
  • Sleep 
  • Sex After Baby, and so much more

3 Hour Virtual Course
With a CMD Educator

4th Trimester 411

Baby Basics

This class is a stand-alone newborn care class which goes into more detail about what to expect from birth through the first 3 months including:

  • Swaddling, yes all babies need it, but why is it like rocket science?
  • Diapering options, cloth or disposable, let’s not make a mess of it.
  • Feeding options, babies should definitely be fed, let us count the ways.
  • Comfort Measures, all the comfort, all the time, and some for you too.
  • Skin Care, baby skin is WEIRD, but knowing why is half the battle.
  • Sleep, babies need it, parents want it, how to get as much as possible.
  • Gadgets, what you need, and what you can leave.


2 Hour Virtual Course
With a CMD Educator